Sunday, May 13, 2001

I am busy today.
Way too busy for this tulip blooming, lilac scented weather.

I have met my friend Raven couple of days ago. It was morning, splendid spring sunshine. She was carrying two big coffee from donut shop in the cardboard holder. I asked why her voice was so hoarse.
“ I am recovering - she said - from what doctors call psychotic episode.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“I was in the church and I have fallen in the trans and I felt like I wasn't the God - I felt like I was all the Gods.”
And she smiled, and I new that she is telling the truth, quietly and in non boasting manner. I have known Raven for years and I know I can trust her calm and quiet ways.
“Some people told me that they saw me levitating during that time. Doctors wander, how come, I had my first psychotic episode in my forties.” And she smiled again wide and bright - brighter then spring sun that was shining on us, on the street corner, on passig by cars. We talked some more, and she went her way home, and I went to work.

And today I smile when I think about it.

Spring. Morning. Sunshine. Bright new leafs. Crisp breeze. Raven.

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